Hi Friends & Family!

And we are already into the last quarter of another year.  We were blessed with another grandchild in August.  Eleanor Faye made her debut into the world and is healthy and well. 

3 teams from the U.S. visited us this last quarter.   Ps Eliut Alicea brought a team from Bridge of Life Church in St Augustine. They were of great help to our teams in a number of areas, including helping to fence in our fish ponds in Pumula South.

Dr David Wyns brought a team from Barnaba Ministries to encourage not only our pastors but also a great number from in and around Bulawayo.

Paul Wilbur Ministries also visted in September to help continue well drilling for the Lemba Tribe in Mberenga. The Lembas are one of the last tribes of Jewish people who were recently discovered right here in Zimbabwe

Our Celebration Church building for conducting Celebration School of Ministry is 90%+ comple. .  We will be able to  restart these classes this month with 29 new students.  

Please keep the following in your prayers:

Economy of Zim, as inflation continues and the job market remains minimal.

Provision, faith, focus on God for the people here.  Hope is easy to lose in dire circumstances.

Open eyes for God to point us where He can use us, patience and compassion in the daily opportunities He gives us, revelation and understanding when things don’t make sense in the natural.

Please keep us lifted in prayer whenever you think of us. It makes a huge difference!

As the needs grow around us, so does our need for support.  Please consider joining our support team.  It can be a one time gift, monthly support, quarterly, annually – whatever works best for your budget! If you have any questions about supporting, or have something specific in mind, just send an email – we would love to chat!!!

The easiest and quickest way to help is through our website   www.mikepier.org  Click on the DONATE tab at the top. Other methods listed below.  Thanks again for your love and support.




    World Outreach Ministries, Inc.
    P.O. Box B
    Marietta, GA 30061
    (designate for our account)

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